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And so I am. Taking advantage of this evolution in science and acting in the capacity of scientific liaison for the Dr. Perez Garcia family of physicians see learn more here. My passion and dedication to developing IPT has been sustained over these many years by. Perez Garcia using the therapy in the treatment cancer — as well as in many other diseases processes.

I chose to focus uniquely of the application of IPT in the treatment of cancer because that is where there was the best science — findings associating the molecular biology of cancer with the physiology of the hormone insulin and its related compounds. The story constructed from these scientific findings, coupled with the decades of reported anecdotal results, I believe provides a compelling intellectual argument for proceeding with a program of clinical study for this medical innovation. As a physician, my primary concern has always been to provide the highest quality of patient care.

Cancer is the condition for which it is said that the treatment is worse than the disease. It is an acknowledged fact that the one factor above all that has driven the rapid growth of interest in alternative medicine in the American patient population is the desire to have improved treatments for cancer. For myself, the importance of IPT is the possibility that it may prove to be of value in providing an improved quality of care for cancer patients.

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From the years of experience with IPT, both abroad and now here in the United States, there is little question but that the reduced doses of chemotherapy used in the protocol do afford patients side-effect free treatment with these powerful drugs. All of these developments have taken place over a long period of time in my life.

At the beginning, my motive was to try and beat the medical profession into submission to accept what I was certain was a simple and wonderful new idea. I was in a hurry.

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Many years into the fray, worn out and worn down, I came to realize that IPT would be better offered as a gift rather than a foregone conclusion from my own belief system. I also recognized that for any gift to be received, this must first be made properly acceptable — and so my work proceeded. Now I look forward to the day when mainstream specialists in medical oncology will have access to this treatment.

I think they would love it — should studies prove its value. I pray that this may be the case — for these physicians, and for the cancer patients they care for as they do. Our average shipping time is approximately 14 - 28 days. We never store your credit card. Not sure what to get? We only use plain, discreet packaging without any branding or labels. All data is stored securely on our servers, which is protected by a firewall, Cloudflare security and regular Norton security scans. They talk about their experience with us.

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