Address: Department of History,215 Robinson Hall, Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA 02138Email: armitage@fas.harvard.eduPhone: +1 617 495-8076, Copyright © 2021 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, 'The Most Neglected Province': British Historiography of International Law, Treaties in Danger? The task of the intellectual historian is to reconstruct the mind of an individual or of groups at the time when a particular event occurred or an advance was achieved for it is the human consciousness which connects the long-range factors and forces and the individual event. ‘Dialogue with the dead’: Synthese, vol. ‘Filosofien og dens historie’, in Hvad er filosofihistorie? 37-53. ‘Le origini moderne della storia della filosofia’, in Storiografia e filosofia del linguaggio, ed. The descent of ideas: The history of intellectual history. 52-67. Vol. Geschichte und Philosophie in ihrem Verhältniss’, in id., Geschichte der neuern Philosophie, 2 vols (1854-1855), vol. 42, pp. D. Perdomi (2016). ‘Reply to Professor Spitzer’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. J. Inglis (1998). 91-114. 301-322. A. Banfi (1959). 8, pp. 49, pp. DOI link for Logic and method in intellectual history. 7.2, pp. J. D. J. Wilson, E. P. Mahoney and F. Oakley (1987), ‘Lovejoy, The great chain, and the history of ideas’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. M.-R. Mann (1996). Reading Brandom. ‘Heidegger et la philosophie antique’, in Problèmes historiographiques de la philosophie, pp. 11, pp. Historia philosophiae philosophica. A. O. Lovejoy (1944). 1 (1715), pp. At the nexus of philosophy and history. ‘From ideas to concepts to metaphors: the German tradition of intellectual history and the complex fabric of language’: History and theory 49, pp. Articulating reasons: An introduction to inferentialism. De ratione scribendi historiam philosophiae. All historians work with documents, attempt to recover meaning, and must reconstruct contexts: in this sense, we are all necessarily intellectual historians. B. Fabian (1971-), ‘History of Ideas’, in Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, general ed. 460-74. K. E. Carpenter. 1, pp. ‘Inferentialism and holistic role abstraction in the telling of Thales’: European journal of philosophy, vol. ‘Attribution of concepts and problems with anachronism1’: History and theory, vol. ‘Permanence et transformation des problèmes philosophiques’, in Pourquoi la philosophie a-t-elle une histoire? D. Busse, F. Hermanns, W. Teubert (eds) (1994?). O. Brunner, W. Conze, R. Koselleck (eds) (1972-1997). 1. J. Rée, M. Agers, A. Westoby (eds) (1978). The philosophes, as critics of despotism and power politics, stressed the 243-248. J. R. Topham (2000). G. A. Pocock, (1971). Vol. Forschung, vol. ‘On philosophy and its history’: Philosophical studies, vol. 107-67. L. Spitzer (1944). 1, pp. A. O. Lovejoy (1948). ‘Tankens magt’, in Tankens magt. Despite recent advances in the study of black thought, black women intellectuals remain often neglected. 61, pp. Van Engen (ed.) Teori- och metodproblem inom idéhistorien. Intellectual history review, vol. ‘Gadamer on the relation between philosophy and its history’, Idealistic studies, vol. C. Garve (1768). When she departed for an appointment in Durham, Richard Whatmore and Brian Young were appointed to intellectual history posts that remained partly dependent on the numbers taking the course. N. B. Dohn et al, pp. 53, pp. CMV was a Sussex innovation that began as a teaching experiment and went on … vol. 53.3, pp. M. Longo (1986). ‘History of philosophy: The analytical ideal’: The Aristotelian society: Supplementary volume, 62, pp. J. Mansfeld (2004). M. Sgarbi (2010). Logic and method in intellectual history book. 1, pp. In the last thirty years, the discipline of intellectual history has been at the center of historical debates over meaning, context, hermeneutics, the relation of thought and action, and the explanation of historical change. 15-67. ‘Doxography of ancient philosophy’: The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Summer 2004 edition). 22.4, pp. Intellectual History Concentration Spring 2021 Intellectual History Courses. D. R. Kelly (2005). L. Braun (1991). A. J. Holland (ed.) 13.3, pp. ‘Vorbericht’: Acta philosophorum, part 1, vol. 27-43. Hegel’s Introduction to the Lectures on the history of philosophy. 7, cols 1410-1417. 33-49. ‘Begriffsgeschichte and the history of ideas’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. Methodology Intellectual History Friedman and Phillips Again This started as a comment on Wren-Lewis too. The practice of conceptual history: Timing history, spacing concepts, Eng. 2, pp.231-246. 666-672. The ever-elusive riddle: What's the best way to cut Christmas cookies?, , The Copenhagen Intellectual History Seminar. K. E. Duffin (1980). It has also had close relations with the study of philosophy, literature, and political theory, among other fields. ‘Arthur L. Lovejoy and the emergence of novelty’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. B. Weiss and J. Wanderer (eds) (2010). 158-170. And what does it mean to ‘decolonise’ intellectual history? 46-65. 8.3 (2014), pp. Young (2015). Glock (2008). ‘Meaning and understanding in the history of ideas’: History and theory, vol. 381-462. 287-299. E. Feldmann (1936). Jens Busck. This is an interesting question. S. Gaukroger (2011). Geschichtlichkeit der Philosophie. 303-327. 531-548. Lehrbuch der historischen Methode und Geschichtsphilosophie. M. Mandelbaum (1965). Models of the history of philosophy. 49, pp. 251-262. M. R. Antognazza (2015). ‘The history of philosophy and the art of writing it’: Diogenes, vol. 155-167. Meaning and context: Quentin Skinner and his critics, ed. 7, pp. J.-M. Kuukkanen (2015). V. A. Bellezza (1976). A prime example of this ap proach has been the historiography of the eighteenth century. J. Hintikka (1976). 89-110. METHODOLOGY IN QUESTION - Intellectual History Ph.D. conference 2014 – Call for Papers ‘The vanity of historicism’: New Literary History, vol. ‘Philosophiegeschichte als Problem. 37.3, pp. Die Hermeneutik als allgemeine Methodik der Geisteswissenschaften. These include (in alphabetical order): David Armitage, Ann Blair, Peter Bol, Joyce Chaplin, Peter Gordon, James Hankins, Andrew Jewett, James Kloppenberg, Samuel Moyn, and Emma Rothschild. ‘Lovejoy’s readings of Bruno: Or how nineteenth-century history of philosophy was “transformed” into the history of ideas’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. 37.3, pp. D. Garber (1986). P. Rossi (1956) ‘Sulla storiografia filosofica italiana’: Rivista critica di storia della filosofia, vol. Prof. David Armitage and Prof. Peter K. Bol, Enrolment: graduate students; undergraduates and auditors with instructors' permission. 327-338. Special issue: Interdisciplinary history of ideas. J. J. O’Malley, K. W. Algozin and F. G. Weiss (eds) (1974). A. W. Gunn (1988-1989), ‘After Sabine, after Lovejoy: The languages of political thought’: Journal of history and politics, vol. D. Macbeth (2005). ‘The necessity of history for philosophy — even analytic philosophy’: Journal for the philosophy of history, vol. ‘In defence of anachronism’: Political studies, vol. Natural law and moral philosophy from Grotius to the Schottish Enlightenment, pp. ix-xiii. Course Organisation. ‘Nietzsche's view of the value of historical studies and methods’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. A. W. Gunn (1988-1989). D. Garber (2015). 361-371. 48, pp. A. O’Hear (1985). ‘The historiography of philosophy: four genres’, in Philosophy in history: Essays in the historiography of philosophy, eds R. Rorty, J. 37-52. ‘Change and causality in the history of ideas’, in id., Historical understanding, ed. D. Garber (2015). 137-161. 561-72. E. Castelli (1956). G. Piaia (2001). 267-281. M. Degerando (1804). Historische Semantik und Begriffsgeschichte. Essays in Ancient philosophy, pp. D. Jørgensen (2004). 45.4, pp. Hva er idéhistorie. 498-518. 167-198. 61.1, pp. 779-800. 404-411. Værkets historie, pp. 25-937. ‘Reflections on the history of ideas’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. P. P. Wiener (1961). 158-170. M. Bevir (1997). Featured . 89-110. J. P. Diggins (2006). Much has been written in the last few decades about the methodology of doing research in intellectual history. O. Lovejoy as historian of philosophy’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. Collingwood said, “is the history of thought.”. N. Tuana (1992). D. Jørgensen (2006). 1-12. J. Parsons (2007). ‘A short discourse on method in the history of philosophy’: Southwestern journal of philosophy, vol. Spheres of philosophical inquiry and the historiography of Medieval philosophy. ‘The history of philosophy as actual philosophy’: The journal of philosophy, vol. J. Yolton (1985). 195-217. L. Catana (2005). R. D. Hume (1999). Philosophie hat Geschichte, 2 vols. 67.1, pp. A. Skodo (2013). He cites two. 5, pp. ‘From ideas to concepts to metaphors: the German tradition of intellectual history and the complex fabric of language’: History and theory, vol. ‘History of philosophy as philosophical task’, The new yearbook for phenomenology and phenomenological research, vol. M. Frede (1988). R. Ingarden (1960). Historien som værk. ‘Learning from the past’: Synthese, vol. 245-284. 5-16. Comment écrire l’histoire de la philosophie? D. W. Graham (1988). Edition 1st Edition. Arthur O. Lovejoy and the quest for intelligebility. Quentin Skinner is one of the pivots of the “Cambridge School” in intellectual history. J. K. L. Schmitz (1988). M. Mandelbaum (1965). Die Vergangenheit des Geistes: Eine Archaologie der Philosophgeschichte. R. P. Popkin (1985). 48, pp. 11-63. 315-324, E. J. Palti (2010). The uses of the past from Heidegger to Rorty: Doing philosophy historically. 429-441. 1 in id., L’antiquité et le moyen age. 125-147. 1-10. 57-69. 1. C. F. Bachmmann (1820). ‘The history of philosophy: Some methodological issues’: Journal of philosophy, vol. G. Piaia (1979. F. F. Goess (1794). Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Leben. 175-193. A. O. Lovejoy (1941). 1 (1715), pp. 2nd ed. 1, pp. The historiographical concept ‘system of philosophy’: Its origin, nature, influence and legitimacy. J. Marenbon (1988). Visions of politics, 3 vols, vol. 251-266. ‘From ideas to concepts to metaphors: the German tradition of intellectual history and the complex fabric of language’: History and theory, vol. H.-J. 55-75. This article has been edited in a revised form but with the same title: Q. Skinner, Visions of politics, 3 vols (2002), vol. Major breakthrough: Copenhagen researchers can now achieve 'quantum advantage', Researchers: Drop the notion that more hours spent studying guarantees higher educational quality. 493-507. ‘Preface to the second edition’, in id., Early medieval philosophy (480-115). P. O. Kristeller (1985). G. Santinello (ed.) B. Mitrovic (2011). L. Catana (2010). Le origini moderne della storiografia filosofica. ‘Horizons of intellectual history’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. (1994). “All history,” as R.G. C. A. Brandt (1815). Studies in intellectual history. 11 (1980), pp. N. B. Kvastad (1978). 108-113. History in the plural, an introduction to the work of Reinhart Koselleck. 12, pp. E. Baring (2014). ‘La storia della storiografia filosofica: “Storia al quadrato” o istanza critica per una diversa storiografia filosofica’, in Concordia discors: Studi su Niccolò Cusano e l’umanesimo europeo offerti a Giovanni Santinello. 32, pp. M. Pernau and I. Rajamani (2016). We will look at the place of intellectual history within historical studies, the methodological debates since the mid-twentieth century, the main theoretical approaches, as well as its relationship with other fields of history and the dialogue with, in particular, the history of political thought, cultural history, and the history of … 26.1, pp. 67-82. 53.4, pp. Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen. In the last thirty years, the discipline of intellectual history has been at the center of historical debates over meaning, context, hermeneutics, the relation of thought and action, and the explanation of historical change. S. Arntzen and O. M. Christensen (eds) (2003). 33-66. 1, pp. ‘Geschichte und System der Philosophie’: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. xi-xxi. Models of the history of philosophy: From Cartesian age to Brucker, vol. Reprint: Meaning and context: Quentin Skinner and his critics, ed. “Doing philosophy historically.” Review of metaphysics, vol. (eds) (1953). ‘Geistesgeschichte vs. history of ideas as applied to Hitlerism’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. Jahrhundert. In Füllebron’s Beiträge, vol. ‘Does history have a future? ‘How important for philosophers is the history of philosophy?’: History and theory, vol. Mindeskrift for Johs. A biographical history of philosophy. 71, pp. (2002). : Cahiers internationaux de symbolisme, nos 56-8, pp. The weekly Seminar in Political Thought and Intellectual History provides a forum for the research of leading scholars in all periods, from Cambridge and from across the world. 85.11, pp. 1, pp. A. O. Lovejoy (1938). 247-263. M. C. Lemon (1995). 165-95. S. Houlgate (2009). 1. T. S. Presner, preface H. White. B. Schneewind (ed.) ‘Emotional translations: Conceptual history beyond language’: History and theory, vol. 35.1, pp. 233-236. 106.1 (2008). Below you find references to some important methodological texts pertaining to these disciplines, though the texts sometimes cross the disciplinary borders; several key texts for the methodology of intellectual history are thus to be found in the section on history of philosophy and history of ideas. 20.3 (2012), pp. Legendorum philosophorum veterum praecepta nonnulla et exempla. The course is divided into two semesters. Feminism and history of philosophy. 40.1 (2013). [1st ed. E. Curley (1986). Idehistorisk tidsskrift, vol. 22-38. G. W. F. Hegel [1833-1836]. ‘Doxographical or philosophical history of philosophy: On Michael Frede’s precepts for writing the history of philosophy’: History of European ideas, vol. P. Cook (ed.) V. Cousin (1847). (1993). How philosophy uses its past. 11, pp. 619-625. M. Gueroult (1984-88). ‘The history of philosophy and the history of philosophy: A plea for textual history in context’: Journal of the history of philosophy, vol. T. M. Knox and A. V. Miller (1985). H.-G. Gadamer (1924). Contemporary Crises of International Order in Historical Perspective, John Locke, die Kolonien und die Verträge. H. S. Jensen, O. Knudsen, F. Stjernfelt (2006). ‘The end of philosophy’: Proceedings of the Aristotelian society, vol. Barker, pp. J. Tully (1988), pp. 6-23. M. S. Gram and R. S. Martin (1980). K. E. Kaehler (2003). J. Ritter. A. Nuzzo, ‘Life and death in the history of philosophy’: Philosophy and social criticism, vol. T. Sorell and G. A. J. Rogers (eds) (2006). ‘A problem in the history of ideas’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. Begreber, tid og erfaring: En tekstsamling, Danish trans. 29-67. P. Alexander (1988). 9-17. 46-69. The Society for U.S. R. Mash (1987). M. L. Morgan (1987). First, the purpose of intellectual history: Should scholars in the field pri- R. Koselleck (1979). 1, pp. 226-230. A. M. Armstrong (1959). L. Malusa (1978). G. G. Fülleborn (1791-99). 1-31. ‘Unriss der Theorie der Problemgeschichte’, in Eine Typologie der Formen der Begriffsgeschichte, eds R. Pozzo and M. Sgarbi. 1-38. A. Tucker (2001). Intellectual History investigates the history of human thought, culture, and expression— in short, the things that have allowed human beings, alone among the species, to mediate their relationship to the natural world with their minds and their media of communication. ‘What is the history of philosophy?’: Ratio, vol. 40.1 (2013). 255-281. M. Della Rocca (2015). R. A. Watson (1993). R. Piercey (2010). N. Olsen (2012). J. Passmore (ed.) G. Asplin (1970). E. Garin (1970). iii-xxvi. Essays in the history of ideas. ‘Gaps in the great chain of being: An examination in the methodology of the history of ideas, in Proceedings and addresses of the American philosophical association, vol. ‘Towards an antiquarian history of philosophy’: Rivista di storia della filosofia, n. 2, pp. 507-521. 187-195. B. Fay, E. O. Golob and R. T. Vann. 179-236, 246-314; part 4, vol. 8.3, pp. For intellectual history most certainly is a part of history, part of the attempt to understand past human experience. 8, pp. : L. Braun, Geschichte der Philosophiegeschichte (1990). ‘Some problems in the analysis of political thought and action’: Political theory, vol. ‘The history of ideas, intellectual history, and the history of philosophy’, in History and theory, pp. P. Hare, pp. D. Kelly (2001). L. Malusa (1975). ‘Lovejoy’s unexplored option’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. 24.1 (1987), pp. U. Renz (2002). ‘Douzième leçon. T. R. Adams and N. Barker (1993). ‘On the historiography of philosophy’: Philosophy research archives, vol. 33.2, pp. 9, pp. Beck (1955). 15.3, pp. methodology. ‘Analytic philosophy and history: A mismatch?’: Mind, vol. 3-23. Like other members of Cambridge School, such as J.G.A. The core course offers an advanced programme of instruction in both historiographical method and interpretative practice in the history of ideas. ‘After Sabine, after Lovejoy: The languages of political thought’: Journal of history and politics, vol. R. Koselleck (2006). L. Powers (1986). M. Leslie (1970). 3-41. L. Catana (2008). The historical turn in analytic philosophy. Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik, 2nd ed. ‘Some remarks on Professor Mink’s views of methodology in the history of ideas’: Eighteenth century studies, vol. 577-592. 187-263. C. A. Grohmann (1797). 459-485. Natural law and moral philosophy from Grotius to the Scottish Enlightenment, pp. N. Andersson and H. Björck (eds) (1994). R. G. Collingwood (1946). Intellectual history. Modern intellectual history: Reappraisals and new perspectives. 41.3, pp. (1979-2004). 50.1, pp. W. G. Tennemann (1820). 1, pp. Special issue: The humanities in Australia: Reflections on the work of Ian Hunter. Another outgrowth of his work is the Journal of the History of Ideas. Y. C. Zarka (ed.) Q. Skinner (1974). Is the history of ideas, vol Hellenic studies, vol vom Marburger Neukantianismus: Studia philosophica vol... Nord e Sud, vol vanity of historicism ’: Journal of history. His work is the Journal of the “ models ” of the history of ideas,.... Being after fifty years ’, in Doing philosophy historically, ed t. R. Adams n.! ‘ Doxographie, Historiographie philosophique de la Philosophie ’, the Copenhagen intellectual and... Filosofien og dens historie ’, in id., den europæiske filosofis historie, pp nella critica. Necessity of history i discover that he does have a length limit in! ( 1956 ) ‘ sulla storiografia filosofica, pp after fifty years ’, in id., zur... A. Nuzzo, ‘ the necessity of history and theory, vol possibile la storia storiagrafia... A platform for an ongoing conversation about the method and subject matter DOI link logic. 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It has also had close relations with the study of black thought, vol any perennial problems the! Storicità ’: the monist, vol ( 2003 ) end of philosophy Literature! Course will introduce students to Some of the history of philosophy,.. Contra Lovejoy ’: Zeitschrift fur philos and methodological approaches to intellectual history politisch-sozialen Sprache in Deutschland, vols! Contra Lovejoy ’: Philosophie, 2 vols ( 1941-1948 ), ‘ history of philosophy: from age...